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Coexistence with covid19: Must Follow Health Habits

social coexistence with covid 19

Hello all, hope you all going well at home with all safety precautions against pandemic Covid19. Lourdes hospital, one among the top hospitals in India back to you with yet another blog – The Must follow healthy habits in and after this COVID19 pandemic. As the corona pandemic has emerged...

5 Simple steps to Boost Immunity and Health

top hospital in India about immune boosting and more details

Hello folks, hope you all are fine. In our last blog about COVID 19, we have discussed the precautions and safety steps. These steps are very mandatory and every human should follow it in this pandemic situation. Lourdes – one of the top hospitals in India is back to you with a new blog. In...

Lets Rule out Corona together

noval corona virus - blog image

The world is facing a serious viral pandemic – naming Corona Virus disease. The virus outbreak was first reported from China in the end of 2019. The pneumonia-like disease, Corona Virus [Covid 19] was said to have emerged from the markets of Wuhan, in southern China. The most dangerous part...

Let’s understand what is an MRI scan

MRI Scan in Kochi

For many of us there is a  worry inside towards the MRI test even though the Doctor suggests taking it. Fearing the complication of the condition is the main worry but the fact is MRI Scan can help to rule out the complications that are suspected and pave a way for treatment without surgery...

Nursing career for men – Lourdes Hospital

Top Hospitals in India

In the present generation, nursing is a growing industry by means of career. Also nursing is considered as a profession that holds a service mindset. When it comes to nursing a great percent of people have thought that, it is only meant for women. You are really mistaken dear friends. Nursing is...



Bariatric weight loss surgery is a lifesaving option for people who are severely obese and cannot lose weight by traditional means, as well as those who suffer from serious obesity-related health issues. Bariatric surgery promotes weight loss by restricting food intake or a combination of...


Maternity Hospital Near Me

There are several reasons that an individual should keep in mind while choosing the best maternity hospital. It’s necessary to pick out the right hospital to ensure a safe birth. Pregnancy can be tough and painful however it is also one of the most special times in a woman’s life.  Most mother...

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