Lets Rule out Corona together


The world is facing a serious viral pandemic – naming Corona Virus disease. The virus outbreak was first reported from China in the end of 2019. The pneumonia-like disease, Corona Virus [Covid 19] was said to have emerged from the markets of Wuhan, in southern China. The most dangerous part of this disease is that the outbreak is still unknown and also, the exact vaccination for this pandemic disease is still not invented.

What is Coronavirus Disease.?

According to the World Health Organisation, this corona Virus is an infectious disease caused by the newly discovered Virus – Covid 19.

How does the Corona Act affect the human Body.?

The infectious part of Corona virus in the Human body is the respiratory organ; IE the Lungs. This makes the infected person have breathing difficulties. Technically, covid 19 causes severe or acute breathing problems, experiencing mild to severe respiratory illness.

Who where under risk of Covid 19?

Learning the current situations, Healthy or normal peoples with corona positive cases can be recovered without any kind of special treatments.
Covid 19 can be treat to old peoples and patients with health issues like

  • Cardiovascular disease,
  • Chronic respiratory disease
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer is more likely to develop serious illness.
  • Cardiovascular disease etc.
  • Mode of transmission.

The WHO from their fast research found out that this Covid 19 viruses are mainly transmitted from one person to another through three known methods:-

  • Respiratory transmission
  • Aerosol transmission
  • Contact transmission

Preventing transmission of CoronaVirus.

As we all know prevention is better than cure – in this covid 19 case, some good prevention methods benefit the same to lives. The best way to get prevented from Corona and their transmission is to learn about this pandemic disease.
Everyone should know the basic knowledge of this virus and mode of transmission and how this affects the human body.

Here are the most important safety measures that really matters –

  • Washing hands with Soap regularly.
  • Social Distancing.
  • Avoid touching your face with hands.
  • Wearing a protective mask.
  • Self quarantine.

And why should one follow these above mentioned safety measures? Because the covid 19 primarily spreads through the droplets of the infected person by means of their body fluids – either by means of cough or sneeze. Fact is these droplets can be attached to the dust and so they fly through the air, get attached to the materials nearby. Any person without corona positive came in cataract with this dust by means of hand and entering the body through eyes, nose mouth have highly chances of affecting corona.

It’s important to note that, signs and symptoms of the corona virus is only visible after 14 – 21 days of contact with the date of getting infected.

As a human being this is the best time to show our responsibility towards others and ourselves, to protect from this pandemic virus outflow. One should follow the security measurements, and also compel others to do so. Accept this Situation, follow the rules and guidelines provided by the government and health workers.

Always keep in mind that this Corona – The Covid 19 is a simple yet powerful virus that can be easily washed away with a soap, hand wash or a sanitizer. Its the time show some responsibility and so we can rule out Corona together. Let’s together fight against this pandemic Noval corona outbreak standing hand in hand with Lourdes hospital, one among the top hospitals in India

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