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BSc. Nursing Home » Nursing Courses/BSc. Nursing

The College of Nursing is at present affiliated to the Kerala University of Health Sciences (KUHS) and offers courses in Bachelor of Science in Nursing of four years duration as specified by the University. On successful completion of the four year course and one-year Internship, the student will be awarded with degree of B.Sc Nursing from KUHS, which entitles them to register as Nurses.

Eligibility For Admission

  • Admission criteria is as specified in the prospectus of the Association of the Managements of Self Financing Nursing Colleges of Kerala (AMSFNCK) 2011 - 12.
  • The application forms and prospectus can be obtained from Lourdes College of Nursing or any member college of the AMSFNCK.
  • Applicants belonging to the Catholic Community are required to enclose Conduct Certificate, Baptism Certificate and Catechism Certificate from their Parish Priest.
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